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Chabiscar Golden Retriever

Criador: Francisco García Mendoza
Jr. Ch Eur. 04, Gbz. Zampanzar Alwas you

 Swed.Lux. Fr. IB. Span.CH & TrialerScrabble of Glen Sheallag

Nor. Lux. CH.Waterloos Rock Around the Clock
Multi CH.Orange-Juice of Glen Sheallag
EuW02/04. Fr. Int. Spa. Gbz. Swe. CH. Samsara of Glen Sheallag
Int. Swe.Fin. Nor.CH&Trialer Rossmix No Regrets

Ib. CH & TrialerShowbiz of Glen Sheallag


Penelope de Cal Arana

World 01,Eu99,02. Int. Fr. Lux.Vdh.Deut.CH& TrialerPaudell Pure Passio

Eng. CH. Paudell Easter Plantagenet at Kerrien

Kerrien Forever Bonnie at Paudell
Span. CH. Quiver of Glen Sheallag
Fiveshill Amazing Snowflake
Our Justine´s of Glen Sheallag

Visitas 159692

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